Work has begun on the renovations funded by the Capital Campaign!
First up is protecting the Pipe Organ during renovations.
The Organ removal starts April 22nd and should be completed by May 3rd.
1.) Removal/Console Covering:
- The pipework will be removed from the Great, Swell and Pedal division, and the Gallery reeds will be bagged to protect them from any residual dust created during work in the church.
- The wood chest components will be removed and chest tables will be covered with protective plastic and/or painter’s tape and plywood where necessary so that other contractors can safely step on them when needed.
- Swell shades will be shut for duration of work and the Swell box roof will be protected as well.
- The organ Console will be wrapped with padded blankets, shrink wrap, and plastic sheeting.
- All metal and wood flue pipes will be blown out with high pressure wind to clean out any dust and debris already present in them and wiped clean.
- Any flute pipes with metal caps will have the felt either replaced or packed out in order that these pipes will stay in tune better.
- Reed pipes will be disassembled, all mechanical brass components cleaned in an ultrasonic bath, polished, reassembled, and put back together. Then the reed pipes will be put back on on correct speech.
- All pipework will be packed and protected for the duration of any work going on in the church and stored at our facility.
3.) Reinstallation and tuning: Starts November 7th and we should have the Organ back by the start of Advent
- Organ chambers will be cleaned and protective materials removed.
- Mechanicals space below Swell chamber will be thoroughly cleaned.
- All wood racking and other chest materials will be cleaned and reinstalled.
- Grille cloth will be vacuumed and exterior casework wiped and dusted as necessary.
- Console will be uncovered.
- All Great, Swell, and a Pedal pipework will installed in its respective locations.
- Gallery reeds will be uncovered.
- Organ will be fully tuned by two technicians, which will probably take about 3 days to complete.