Central is worshiping in-person at 10am each Sunday, as well as virtually.  We also offer a contemporary service, WAVE, twice each month. Scroll down for details.


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of Central Church


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By God’s grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit, Central Presbyterian Church seeks to
Engage one another in a transforming and worshipful relationship with Jesus Christ;
Equip disciples for Christian fellowship, growth, and service;
Extend Christ’s love to the world!

What’s Happening Now At Central Presbyterian Church

Upcoming Worship

We invite you to attend worship in person in the Sanctuary at 10am each Sunday.

WAVE, Central’s contemporary worship service, will meet at 5pm on  March 16, and April 6.

Our 10am services are broadcast live on HTTV and live streamed on our YouTube channel.

 The entire main floor of Central Church is handicapped accessible via the glass doors facing Elm Street (our main entrance).

Central Closet Clothing Collection

We are accepting Women’s  and Children’s clothing for donation to El Centro, a wonderful Hispanic/American non-profit that we have supported  for many years whose headquarters are in the Presbyterian Church in Plainfield, NJ. These clothes do not have to be new, but they must be CLEAN and in good condition.

We are also accepting gently used Men’s clothing to be donated to BRIDGES  outreach. We can only accept underwear and socks in new packaging.

The bin is located near the ramp by the Glass Hallway. We sort on Thursday mornings when the bin is full.  If you are interested in being involved in this worthwhile, ongoing program, please contact Linda Taylor at lataylor732@ gmail.com for additional information.

Sign Up to Receive our Weekly Emails

Central publishes a weekly Friday Email that contains information on worship, upcoming events, and church news.  Follow this link to sign up (Don’t worry – you can unsubscribe at any time!).

Monday Morning Circle of Women

All women are invited to this study and spirituality group that meets in the Fellowship Room at 9:30 a.m. on the following Mondays:

3/24. Book of John Study, Dr. Amy Jill Levine

4/7.   Book of John Study, Dr. Amy Jill Levine

4/28. Dr. Charity Wicks, the music of Easter


Guided Meditation: Mondays

Guided Meditation with Pam Robertson has moved to Mondays at 9:00 a.m.!  Join Pam in the Lounge for meditation to help guide you towards inner peace and wellbeing.  Free of charge, with no sign up required.  This group will not meet on Monday holidays or school breaks.

Read The KEY - Central's Newsmagazine

The Lent 2025 Edition of the KEY is here!  Read Central’s quarterly newsmagazine, which contains articles about our missions, church life, finance, and so much more.  Click here to read.

Parenting Workshop: March 21

Friday, March 21, at 9:30am, Pam Robertson and Ariane Pfaff will host a parenting workshop in the church lounge.  Learn tips on conscious parenting from experienced moms.  No need to register.  The workshop is free!

Free Concert: April 6

The Central Concert Series presents Caitlin Warbelow, fiddle and Chris Ranney, piano, in concert at 3:00 p.m.  Award-winning violinist/fiddler  Caitlin Warbelow joins pianist Chris Ranney to play traditional and original tunes that will have you wanting to dance.  Caitlin and Chris were most recently part of Broadway’s Tony Award-winning and Grammy Award nominated musical “Come From Away” and the co-founders of the beloved online trad music platform Tune Supply.

Palm Sunday: April 13

Palm Sunday will begin at 10am with a Palm Processional in which children may participate.  Gather in the Lounge at 9:45am.  This service includes our annual singing of “The Palms”.

Following worship, our annual Easter Egg Hunts will be held by age on the church lawn.  Bring a basket!  If it rains, the Hunts will be held indoors.

Palm Sunday Brunch will take place in the auditorium, with a visit from the Easter Bunny for photos.

Lenten Vespers: Maundy Thursday, April 17

Lenten Vespers will be held in the stone Chapel at 7pm on Maundy Thursday.

Easter Sunday: April 20

Easter will be celebrated at 10am on Sunday, April 20.  Everyone is welcome to share in the joy of our risen Lord in our Sanctuary, which will be filled with magnificent music and worship.


Central Presbyterian Ministries

Adult Ministries

Our Adult Ministries are involved in many events around the Summit area.

Youth Ministries

See what our Youth are up to! Fun, games and learning to apply the Word in their daily lives.

Children's Ministries

Sunday School, Club 4-5 and nurshery are ongoning ministries for your child or toddler.

Spiritual Development

Grow your spiritual relationship with Jesus using these ministries.


These ministries help you to reach out to others in your daily activities.

Central Presbyterian in Photos

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