Ministries at Central Presbyterian Church are where you can be involved in God’s work hroughout the Summit New Jersey and surrounding areas. Central Presbyterian Church has something for everyone from preschool to senior citizens. Our Ministries are involved in everything from food kitchens to prayer meetings. If you would like to be a part of one of our ministries, please contact and we will be in touch.
The first gathering of the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Central Presbyterian Church was in November 2012. Since that time, we have distributed shawls, lapagans, and quilts to those who need strength and comfort during an illness or other challenging times. These handmade items have also been given at times of great joy and blessings, such as the birth of a baby. A shawl is a tangible evidence of God’s love and allows the receiver to know they are in the thoughts and prayers of those making the shawls. For the person creating this item, it can be a quiet time of discernment as for who will receive this gift.
The team meets monthly at various times. Please contact or for times and locations. Although we do not meet during the summer, we continue to work on projects independently. We welcome anyone who would like to participate or learn, regardless of skill level—there is always someone available to teach!

The Prayer Network is a group of members who pray for others. Prayer requests are received in confidence and shared only among the Network. Click here for a prayer request form.

Every day of the year, a member of the Hospital Visitation Team checks the patient list at Overlook Hospital to visit members and friends of Central.
Please click HERE to visit our Sign Up Genius for Youth Mission

Every Tuesday night (7:00 to 8:00 p.m.) October through April, Central’s high school students tutor about 60 elementary students from Elizabethport who are bussed in to receive help with their schoolwork.
At Christmastime, our congregation hangs gift tags on our Christmas tree, with requests for specific gifts. The church youth take monetary donations and shop for gifts. As volunteers take and fulfill the requests, the gifts are wrapped and delivered to the following:
Local Family Promise families
Sarah Burke House, transitional housing for survivors of domestic violence in South Bronx
Deserving families in Summit

Central Presbyterian Church annually awards the following college scholarships, made possible through the generosity of numbers of interested members and families. The application is due on May 1, 2024. The following is a list of current available scholarships:
Laura C. Binder Central Presbyterian Church Service Award
The recipient must demonstrate an active interest in one or more of CPC’s ministries.
Central Presbyterian Church Leadership Award
Periodically awarded to a student planning for a career in the ministry, or related fields.
Greer Scholar-Athlete Award
Given annually to a student who excels in both athletics and academics. The scholarship honors Robert Bratton Greer II.
Dorothy Tawney Christian Service Award
The recipient must demonstrate a willingness to engage in the work of the Christian Church in Summit and beyond.
Jeanette Thatcher Christian Service Award
The recipient must demonstrate a willingness to engage in the work of the Christian Church in Summit and beyond.
Francis Brown Beattie CPC Service Award
The recipient must demonstrate an active interest in one or more of the ministries of Central Presbyterian Church.

Confirmation is for students in 9th grade and beyond. It is a ten-month process of exploration led by Rev. Deborah Huggins, David Fosgate, Kendall Hander, and Steve Peterson. Each Confirmand is asked to select a mentor with whom they are comfortable partnering with for this process. Mentors are active church members – sometimes a former church schoolteacher, middle school advisor, or an adult in the church they know well. Together they explore the larger questions of faith, with the understanding that this is not the whole journey, but the beginning of a lifelong journey. The Confirmation class will meet ten times between August and May; meetings are held in the Central Youth Center on Sundays, 11:00am – 12:30pm.
We, the confirmation class. affirm the following beliefs:
We believe that God is great. That God loves us unconditionally: is all around us; Is forgiving; and is willing. We believe that God is like a mentor: That God gives us strength and has our back. We believe that God is always with us: All around us; protecting us; looking over us;
We believe that Jesus is a kind friend who believes in us who is there for us, and who understands us. We believe Jesus Is the chosen one who Paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of us
And Paved the path for us in life. We believe that Jesus shows us how to be kind, caring, loving, and forgiving.
We believe the Holy Spirit is a lot of different things- with us but mysterious, there for us but also distant. We believe the Holy Spirit is like an angel who watches over us, fills our hearts and gives us life. We believe that the Holy Spirit is welcoming, unknown and mysterious, always around us, and everywhere.
We believe the church is a warm and welcoming place where everyone always belongs. We believe that church is our home. We believe that church is a strong, supporting community for all believers and to everyone.
For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift, so that no one can boast about it. Ephesians 2: 7-10
Out of the fullness of his grace he has blessed us all, giving us one blessing after another. John 1: 15-17
During our Sunday services, professional nursery and childcare are provided.
Feel free to drop by, say “hi”, or to check out our program.
The nursery is open from 9:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. every Sunday. Children ages birth to 3 are invited to stay.
Central offers Children’s Sunday School for ages 3 through Middle School. Classes are held at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings, during the school year (September to May), excepting the Sunday after Christmas, Easter Sunday, and Labor Day weekend.
Central Church is committed to the spiritual nurture of all children. We demonstrate God’s love through study, service and through the relationships between caring adults and children. Classes meet in the Christian Education Wing. Children may register in class.
Central’s program for middle schoolers meets in the Youth Center. Children may register in the classroom any week.
On second Sundays, Sunday School for children will involve special music and a service project.
Click here to see what our weekday Nursery School has to offer.
commUNITY Camp this year promises to be so much fun! We teach stories from the Bible, learn about mission, sing, play games and explore with great experiments and activities. Our awesome Central Youth are preparing AfterCamps for theater, cooking, and sports from noon-4pm. Sign up for Camp, just AfterCamp, or both. We are accepting registrations for campers and volunteers starting today! Camp will be the last week of July from 8:30-noon, with optional before care and after camp (8:00-8:30am, noon-4pm). Sign up now to make the last week of July the best week of your summer!

Annually on MLK Day, Central participates in Summit’s Day of Service, partnering with Bridges to perform service for the homeless in our area. All ages are welcome to participate.
Please click on the following links for videos from Growing in Grace and Gratitude, a PC USA Children’s Curriculum, featuring Central’s associate pastor, Rev. Deborah Huggins:

Noelle Kirchner is Central’s Parish Associate. She is an ordained Presbyterian minister and mother of two boys. Her parenting TV series, Chaos to Calm, is about transforming the chaos of family life into calm, and it airs on HomeTowne TV (Channel 33/Verizon and 36/Comcast). Noelle’s written work has appeared on sites such as Huff Post Parents, the TODAY Show Parenting Team, Mamapedia,, and (in)courage. You can connect with Noelle on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and her blog.
Check back here regularly for new episodes! Click on the links below to watch Central’s parenting series on demand:
- Episode One – “The Chaos of Family Scheduling!” We don’t have to live with full schedules and thin souls. Reclaim your schedule and find family calm!
- Episode Two – “The Chaos of School Social Problems!” Hear an expert bring calm to the chaos of childhood bullying, anxiety, and grief. Plus, discover resources that can help your child.
- Episode Three – “The Chaos of Holiday Hecticness!” Reclaim holiday meaning and magic by discovering simple ways to enrich family celebrations. Central’s Head Pastor Don Steele and Associate Pastor Deborah Huggins are guests.
- Episode Four – “The Calm of Building Faith Foundations” Hear popular children’s book author and educator Laura Sassi share her inspiring personal story, the insights behind her books, and tested faith-starters for children. Plus, discover over ten featured faith-building resources for young children and teens courtesy of Zonderkidz!
- Episode Five – “The Chaos of Childhood Failure!” New York Times best-selling author Jessica Lahey explains why failure doesn’t have to be the chaos we expect. Find out what parents can do to set their children up for future success.
- Episode Six – “The Chaos of Unfulfillment!” If you’ve been feeling frustrated or unfulfilled, then this episode is for you! Learn how to set a new, focused course for your life as you juggle parenting’s demands with a hunger to live fully. Noelle interviews both a spiritual director and a time management coach and for practical insights.
- Episode Seven – “The Calm of Connection” Finding meaningful connection is essential to help parents move from chaos to calm! Discover the unique resources at the church’s disposal that could be just what you’re looking for. This episode’s special guests are staff members from Central!
- Episode Eight– “The Collapse of Parenting!” Hear New York Times bestselling parenting author Dr. Leonard Sax describe the real challenges of modern parenting today and what to do about them.
- Episode Nine (Extended Episode Special) – “Boys Adrift in School and with Video Games” Host Noelle Kirchner welcomes back New York Times bestselling author Dr. Leonard Sax and interviews him on his most popular book, Boys Adrift. They hone in on barriers to boys’ success in school and the effects of video games on boys’ development in this extended episode special.
- Episode Ten: “Overcoming Fear, Taking Risk at Midlife”: Noelle talks with NBC’s former TODAY in NY anchor Kerry Barrett about how she overcame her fear of public speaking to rise in the broadcasting world. Noelle also welcomes Kathleen Smith, Founder of MorphMom, who discusses risk at midlife. The episode ties into Noelle’s life purpose series on her website.
- Episode Eleven—Interview with Sally Lloyd-Jones Hear from New York Times bestselling author Sally Lloyd-Jones about the power of story, the secret behind her success, and how to dispel fear about the coronavirus in this captivating interview
- Episode Twelve : Race in America with Author and Journalist Linsey Davis – ABC’s Linsey Davis, who recently covered the funeral for George Floyd, shares her thoughts, hopes, and practical insights for unity and inclusion in the wake of her bestselling children’s book, “One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike Than Different.”
- Episode Thirteen— “‘Cuties,’ COVID, and Tween Faith” – Professional Counselor Michelle Nietert and Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Lynn Cowell help safeguard the healthy development of your child as they introduce their new tween devotional. Discover their tips for navigating culture, curbing anxiety, and thriving during the pandemic and beyond.
- Episode Fourteen – Candace Cameron Bure – Parish Associate Noelle Kirchner talks faith, family, and the Hallmark Channel with Candace Cameron Bure! Hear Candace’s inspiring faith testimony, the secret to how she juggles it all, and which Hallmark movies are her favorites and why! They also talk in depth about her newest character-building children’s book, Candace’s Playful Puppy—you won’t want to miss Candace’s description of her own dog and the adorable pictures she shares!
- Episode Fifteen—”Rachel Macy Stafford” – Keep the good and leave the bad as we turn the chapter on COVID with this New York Times bestselling author and cultivator of soul space. Discover how Rachel’s newest book, “Live Love Now,” offers timely advice that will impact your family for years to come.
- Episode Sixteen—”Dream Big with Kate Battistelli” – Kate Battistelli, former Broadway star and mother to Dove and Grammy Award-winning Christian singer Francesca Battistelli, teaches us how to dream big and draw vital encouragement from scripture in her newest book, “The God Dare.”