Spiritual Development

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: I Want To Live A Life of Consequence. How Should I Start?

Some Christians emphasize the question: “Am I Saved?”  Presbyterians emphasize the question: “What am I saved for?”  We believe that in Jesus Christ, God has saved us, and therefore that perhaps our lives should be lived in grateful response.  But, specifically, what does that mean?  Baptism is a sign that we belong to God, and that …

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: I Want To Live A Life of Consequence. How Should I Start? Read More »

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: How Climate Change Really Threatens God’s Creation

Many of us, like me, truly believe that God created our amazing universe, bringing matter and energy to life out of a formless empty void of nothing.  The humankind now residing in the earth-portion of God’s universe, however, seems to have been developing practices which may poison that creation. For example, by increasing our use …

WEEKLY COMMENTARY: How Climate Change Really Threatens God’s Creation Read More »

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