Back to School

Back to school time is here- the school supplies are all delivered and teachers have packed them away in supply closets, first day outfits are in the laundry, sport and activity schedules are getting filled in, and our kids are sitting down to homework. At this time of year I find myself holding my breath a little- does my child have the right teacher? Did we choose the right soccer team for her? How are her friends doing?  In those moments, I also remember to pray. Like a little prick- when those worries come up for me, I whisper a simple prayer-“ Let her know that you are with her Lord.” “Watch over him and keep him safe.” “Let them face small challenges now so that they will be ready to face big challenges later.”

This Sunday, we invite you to join us for Rally Day. We invite all of your children to bring their backpacks- we will ask God to bless each one of the children who wear them to and from school, will be giving out Bibles to our 3 year olds, we will have games, inflatables, ice cream and the Peterson’s will be delighting us again with their delicious barbecue. Join us in celebrating a new school year.

A Prayer for Each Child –Laurie Yogi

Lord, thank you for the unique gifts of every child as they transition into a new school year. Fill each student with fresh enthusiasm and a heart that is excited to learn and grow. Cover them with your enduring love, give them confidence and grade, and equip them with the ability to persevere through trials. Bless their teachers with wisdom, understanding, and a heart to serve, as they embark on the journey together!


Blessings, Pastor Deborah Huggins

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