We all have heard that this summer is going to look a little different, but I am thrilled to let you know, some things never change. One of those is the generosity, inclusion, and kindness of this congregation. Right now our youth and adult leaders are looking at ways to serve, teach and grow. One of the projects that I am most excited about is our virtual VBS – not just because I think we will be able to deliver fun activities to kids and families in an engaging way that teaches them the Bible, but even more because of the opportunities for youth leadership that this format allows. For VBS we have a team of youth who will serve as video editors, teachers, and curriculum designers for this summer. In some ways, this new format is allowing our young people to take the lead in completely new ways. Two of our middle schoolers are already leading their own virtual summer camp program – and they are lending us their expertise and guidance for VBS. I hope that families will consider joining in now – as campers in our virtual program, or as volunteers – creating and editing content, engaging with kids in virtual space, preparing and packing materials. Summer of 2020 is going to be one for the history books, and Central’s kids are making sure that it is a story of kindness, inclusion and caring.